Celebrate Men’s Health Week, 10 – 16 June!

Jun, 2024Events & Local Area

Next week is International Men’s Health Week, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024.

Through a series of promotions, events and publicity around the country, Men’s Health Week is designed to provoke thought and discussion about what needs to be done to improve male health.

It’s an opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our community.

Men’s Health Week focuses on not just physical health, but also men’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. This year, the focus is on Men’s Health Checks.

Men’s Health Week is a great opportunity for organisations, workplaces, and communities to focus on some of the different ways we can keep men and boys healthier.. 

One way you can do this is by taking advantage of the Australian Men’s Health Forum’s (AMHF) Know Your Man Facts toolkits on a range of men’s health topics, including Men’s Mental Health, Men’s Heart Health, Exercise and Men’s Health, and Mateship and Men’s Health.

You can also watch for the AMHF’s new Know Your Man Facts toolkit on Men’s Health Checks.

For more information about Men’s Health Week 2024 and to find out what events and activities are planned in your community, check out the events section of the AMHF website.


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