August 2020 in Events & Local Area

We all know that Melburnians love their coffee!

Well, luckily for Westbrook residents in need of a little caffeine fix, Degani Bakery Café just down the road in Tarneit Central serves some of the best coffee in the Western suburbs!

A favourite with locals – and especially the team at the Westbrook Land Sales Office, Degani is our go to café of choice for its perfectly blended house-roasted coffee, not to mention mouth-watering sweet treats and light meals – just the place for a pick me up, no matter what time of day.

May 2020 in Events & Local Area

A message from our

Sales Consultants 

Making the decision to buy land and build your dream home is an exciting journey but it can also be a daunting process if you’ve never done it before. If you’re wondering when is the best time to buy land, the answer is now. Here’s some words from Liliana and Levan who will step you through what’s involved in buying, and the benefits of living at Westbrook.

April 2020 in Events & Local Area

All over the world, teddy bears have begun appearing in front gardens and windows and chalk rainbows have been materialising on suburban pathways, creating fun and adventure for little people in their neighbourhoods.

It is just one of the imaginative ways that communities are maintaining a sense of social connection despite social distancing during COVID-19 restrictions.

March 2020 in Events & Local Area

Easter is a wonderful time to relax, refresh and spend extended time with family and friends… and get creative!

For those of us who love nothing more than grabbing a glue stick and some shiny paper, or, better still, heating up a vat of melted chocolate and pouring our own eggs, Easter is prime DIY time.

With Google on hand, there are plenty of fabulous (and cheap) ideas. Here are a few of our favourites to get you started. You might even like to invite the kids to get in on the action…

Decorate your own eggs


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