July 2024 in Money Matters

The Australian Government has announced 50,000 places for the Home Guarantee Scheme over the 2024-25 financial year. The initiative is to support eligible home buyers to buy a home sooner.

June 2024 in Money Matters

Whether you’re a first home buyer, upgrading, downsizing or looking to refinance your existing mortgage, if you’re looking for a home loan, a mortgage broker can help you sort through the many options on offer from different lenders. Mortgage broking is a service that can give you information upfront, help steer you in the right direction and set you up for long-term success.

And in the current interest rate environment, knowing the right broker and the right questions are more important than ever.

July 2024 in Money Matters

When it comes to your garden, trees and plants can definitely add value to your property!


For a start, trees and large shrubs strategically placed in front and back yards which provide shade over a house can reduce energy costs in the summertime. But make sure you get the balance right. It’s best to avoid plants that will require a significant amount of costly maintenance. Likewise, make sure you select the most appropriate trees and plants for your climate and position them in the most suitable locations.

May 2024 in Money Matters

When you’re buying a house, it’s worth looking at any concessions and grants.

First Home Super Saver Scheme

Allows you to save money for your first home inside your super fund, helping you save faster with the concessional tax treatment of superannuation. For more information visit:

April 2024 in Money Matters

Buying your first home is one of the most exciting times in your life. But equally, working out how to finance it can be quite daunting and challenging. So we’ve put together a general checklist of information to help you to navigate your savings journey – and hopefully make the process as seamless as possible.

Identify your Budget.

The first thing you need to do is determine is how much you can borrow.

January 2024 in Money Matters

When it seems everyone around you is talking house prices, how do you know what your home is worth? If it’s been a while since you bought, it can be difficult to keep up to date with your property’s value. So, how can you work it out?

 Ask an agent for an appraisal. Most agents will be happy to oblige, and you might be pleasantly surprised by how much it is worth in today’s market.  

September 2023 in Money Matters

As you begin to consider appliances when building your new home, or if you are considering updated appliances for your current home, it’s always beneficial to understand what to consider when looking at energy efficient appliances.


August 2023 in Money Matters

With rising inflation, the spiralling cost of living, and steadily increasing interest rates, most of us need to pay closer attention to our budget.

But doing so can be much easier than you think.

Here’s a few key things you can do around the home to help you to save a little money. And remember – every little bit counts. While savings of $20 here and there might not seem to make much difference of themselves, when you add up them all up at the end of a year, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results!

Aim to reduce any debt

August 2023 in Money Matters

Did you know that food waste costs the Australian economy around $36.6 billion each year? Over 50% of this derives from households, with an average household throwing away $2,000 – $2,500 worth of food each year.

But just a few simple changes can make a big difference!


Planning your meals for a week is a great way to prevent yourself from buying too much food and ensures a healthy, varied, and nutritious meals throughout the week. Coordinate your meals to maintain a diverse and nutritious diet.

August 2023 in Money Matters

With energy prices increasing by over 25% in the past 12 months, many Aussie households are feeling the pinch in their wallets. But here are some simple wallet-friendly tips that will help you to conquer your energy bills, lighten the burden - and put a smile on your face.


A single power switch left turned on might only use a tiny bit of electricity, but collectively they can account for around 10% of your electricity bill. So, make sure to unplug computers, washing machines, kettles, lamps, and other appliances when not in use.


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